Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Op-Shop Show Off

joining in with Max and the gang here 

Tapio Wirkkala for iittala, Aslak Schnapps Glasses

Only five (sniff), must've been too much of that glass slamming schnappy kind of stuff going on, or maybe someone tripped going down the steps into the sunken lounge...

While I'm not as crazy about glass as some people (all that dusting!) when you see vintage iittala, still in its original packaging, you're not gonna leave it behind, are you?!

Especially when you're out of town, and the treasures you imagined/hoped/were sure(!) you'd find in all those lovely country oppies have been snaffled up by holiday-makers before you. 

Not that I'm saying my iittala was bought out of desperation, it's far too nice for that, but you know what I mean.

I found it (after a lot of smelly rummaging) at a lovely  (non smelly) vintage/junk shop called The Flying Wardrobe in the little town of Witchcliffe (sounds like something out of a 70's Disney movie don't you think?) about a month ago.

Rather than let these babies sit there gathering dust

 (there's a snowball's chance in hell they'll ever get used for the purpose they were designed for at our place!)

I'll probably use them as icy little jars for 

tea lights,
cuttings, or maybe
I also thought they'd make nice egg cups - but I thought that might be taking it just a bit too far...

For more info on Wirkkala and Finnish glass, check out these recent posts by Dana of mid2mod fame here, and by Tove, of Stuff That Makes My Heart Beat Faster, here and here.   

Anth and Annabel at the beach in Busselton (fifty clicks from Witchcliffe).
Thanks for reading, don't forget to pop over to Max's to see what other people have got to show-off.




Thursday, May 16, 2013

House Proud, Epilouge

Mothers Day tulips from Adelaide. 

I want to echo exactly what Donna says here, and say thank you to all of you lovely people who shared a glimpe (or more!) of your gorgeous retro/vintage filled interiors with us in our "Show Us a Retro/Vintage Corner of Your Home" linky.

 Very first lemons from our Myer - it's loaded!

We were so lucky to have the privilege and pleasure of looking at thirty-four (and counting!) retro and vintage filled homes. Not one of them the same, but all of them charming and interesting.

Sticking your hand up to host a linky thingy is a bit like waiting for your name to be  picked for 'a side' in sport at school...thanks for not leaving us out there on our own - we would've felt like big dorks if you hadn't joined in. Sighs of relief from us. 

Shining the light on some ouchflower loveliness.

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to check out our awesome linkers (don't forget to pop back - here, to check out any you might have missed) and special thanks to Donna, my partner in crime (and the brains behind the operation). You're the bomb dude!

Another first round here, a rubbish bin inside (we're getting fancy!). Old BP drum: garage sale, new zinc lid: Bunnings.

Ok, that's it. Thank you, and goodnight!


Saturday, May 11, 2013

House Proud, Deux.

Welcome to the Hung Up On Retro/Lucy Violet Vintage, "Show Us a Retro/Vintage Corner of Your Home" linky - the second in a 'series' of retro link-ups hosted by Donna, and yours truly.

(who could forget the highs (ummm?) and nauseating lows (okay, mostly lows) of our It's A Retro Cook-Off!?)  

Before I show you a few corners at mine, I want to say thank you (a really big one!) to all the lovely people who have agreed to share a corner of their place with us. There wouldn't be a linky without them (you!) and we really appreciate it. 

Retro/vintage means different things to different people. One size, shape, style, etc doesn't fit all, that's what I love about interiors with a bit (or a lot) of retro/vintage going on in them. That's what makes them interesting. Retro/vintage interiors are never boring, they have character and personality. They're real, and you don't have to put them together with an Allen key!  
I can't wait to see how you do retro (and vintage) at your house -here's how I do it at mine...

Same old, same old from me.
(we're about to rip out our bathroom and the photo opportunities round here are limited...not to mention a little mishap with the delete button on my camera, and no time to take new pics. ahem!)
Although I don't think I've shown you the Seven Little Australians (vases) before. Apart from the green Remued on the left and the pale blue Martin Boyd in the middle, they  belonged to Lucy Violet. My favourite is the streaky John Campbell on the right because it looks like the bush.
I know you love your handsome Germans etc (I do too), but Australian pottery is just as good looking as its European counterparts - I think we forget that sometimes - it tends to be overlooked in our 'wunderlust' for fat larva, which is a bit of a pity really.
Here's a link to Collectors Path Pottery in case you feel like shopping (real or window) for an Aussie of your own. Who knows, it might be the start of a new addiction?! There's a lot to love, that's for sure. Their reference files also have a great potted history of Australian potters. And postage within Australia is free!    
Anyway, you've seen my house before, now it's time for some serious sticky-beaking!
p.s. if you're linking in, don't forget to add your link here and over at Donna's too (twice as many visitors to your place), ta x
Newsflash! Just in pics from Sue. Wanna see some serious retro eye candy??? Sue's gorgeous home delivers. Big time!

Got a touch of the green-eyed monster coming on? I have (and that's putting it mildly!)
And wait, there's MORE!
Here's some pics of Evangeline's place. It's seriously lovely too.
She is having trouble linking up, and I'd hate you to miss out on her retro corners. Please pop over here, and say hello. Evangeline's  blog is relatively new, and I know she'd love to meet you.






(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Things I Like...

This house
(love may be a better word)

details and more pics, here.
(can't afford it, damn it!)
This lampshade
found here.
This cake
Orange Syrup Cake with Candied Oranges
If heaven was a cake, it would taste like this!
Try it, you'll love me l-o-n-g time. Seriously.*
These tea/coffee cups
and everything else from Bison.
(I'd be drinking tea from these now if I could pick a colour!)
This herb garden
from here.
(I'll probably put succulents in mine)
This little print
a birthday present for Annabel, from here.
(The Royal Tenenbaums, is her favourite flick) 
And lastly, I like** these lovely people who are  joining in our linky (please check out their lovely blogs x)
Dana, Wendz, EvangelineTamTaz (there's a gorgeous little give-away over at Taz's at the moment btw), Pippa, ZaraRia, Sally, Rebecca, Allison, Tove, Bron, Tania, Fiona, Sharon, Loo, LeaDonna, my 'pen-pal' Sue (who doesn't have a blog, but does have a gorgeous home full to the brim with mid-century/vintage gorgeousness - as do some of Donna's friends who don't have blogs and are joining in too), and me (of course!)
It's going to be an interior perve fest, that's for sure!
If you decide to join us (we'd LOVE to have you!) I'll add your name to the list.
a vintage corner at my place...
* thank you David Lebovitz. 
** "I love youse all", joining in, or not.