Don't think I spend my whole life in op-shops, because I don't. Really. Truly. Having said this, if I'm driving past one and I've got some time up my sleeves and cash in my wallet I generally pop in and have a look. And that's just what I did today. Have a look at what I bought...
"Portable" clothesline. four dollars. Belmont Anglicare.
Coaster set. Stamped "made in U.S.-Zone Germany. six dollars. Belmont Good Sammy's.
Curtains. Swiss maid from uro collection by Kornblums. six dollars. Belmont Anglicare.
Sweet little girl print to add to my collection. three dollars. St. Vinnies Belmont.
Placemats/serviettes. Love the colour. three dollars. Salvo's Belmont.
Pussy cat clothes brush. Western Germany sticker on back. two dollars. St.Vinnies Belmont.
Folk dancer hand towel. Present for my mum. two dollars.As above.
And lastly a tablecloth I forgot to include yesterday...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Here (as promised) are photos of some of the treasures I bought yesterday
And here are some snaps of treasure I found at the Salvo's in Midland on Friday.
Don't you love the Humphrey B Bear cushion(two dollars fifty!) My sister had one when she was little and I couldn't resist! He looks especially cute sitting next to my Queensland cushion from Penelope Durston and my lovely,lovely cocky cushion from Bonnie and Neil (bought from the equally lovely Storia in Guildford)
Lastly one more snap of a few of my concrete pots just because I love them so much!
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Today I was lucky enough to chance upon a lovely local garage sale. The little old lady who lived in the house all her married life was packing up to move in with her family (it made me happy to know that she wasn't moving into a nursing home). Although I got there a little bit late there was still some lovely treasure waiting for me and every time I asked the old lady how much something was she said 2 dollars...later on when I was in the garden I found a beautiful old concrete pot (I collect these and they are getting harder to find) when I asked her grand-daughter how much she said "I think I'll stick with Nan,2 dollars" I was thrilled! It nearly killed me getting it in and out of the car but it's going to look so cool when I get it planted up. I also bought a lovely old picture of Mary and baby Jesus,some vintage Christmas decorations, a nativity( with a sweet stable made out of a cardboard box by the old lady, which I will NEVER throw away!),a pretty vintage tea-towel,an oil painting, a brush and mirror set and a couple of little shelves for knick-knacks. All for the princley sum of 12 dollars! Yay! And I promise there will be pictures tomorrow.
Friday, January 28, 2011
My first post...after thinking about starting my own blog for ages I'm finding it tricky to get started... just coming up with a name I liked (that was available) took ages but I will persevere and eventually I hope this will become as interesting and inspiring as all of the lovely blogs I read and enjoy so much. At the very least it will provide me with a place to document the treasures I find almost daily at op-shops,garage sales,swap meets etc. I've found some amazing stuff (I call it treasure) and it's going to be fun to share...well, hopefully Tomorrow there will be pictures and lucy violet will start to look pretty x